No Shame in Child’s Pose!
is absolutely no power in pushing through. Let me say this again because I
believe it so strongly: There is absolutely no power in pushing through. When
you need to rest, rest. My encouragement for you this month is to slow down,
smell the daisies, and take it easy. We can push and push ourselves until we
literally can’t go any more. And possibly explode. Or, we could live a life of awareness
of each breath and every moment. After all, what is at the end of the ‘race’
anyways? I invite you to have a sincere conversation with your body and notice
how you are feeling. Is it time to slow down a bit? Check in with yourself and know
that there is no shame in child’s pose. Not just in a yoga studio setting.
Anytime you need a moment for YOU, to just BE, and to breathe- find your way to
child’s pose. Become in tune with the present YOU. Do what is best for you. For
some of us, we want to push through the pain for the physical pose. I highly
encourage you to ask yourself the reasoning behind the want of the physical pose,
and if it is the right time to progress to the pose. Is it to please the ego,
or is it a natural progression in your asana practice that is accompanied by
your own awareness? Pushing through pain creates nothing but more pain. When you
can trust the natural progress of your practice, you can let go of the pushing
through and the rush, and find a deep seated beauty in rest and patience. Trust
that it is okay to slow down. Move throughout your day with ease and grace,
rather than hurry and chaos. Breathe deeply, rest often, laugh loudly, and be mindful.
And repeat.
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